Publications and Unpublished Papers

1. Homma, S. 1988. "A Remark on Scope Principle and Polarity Expressions in Japanese" Tsukuba English Studies 7, pp.1-39. Tsukuba English Linguistics Society.

2. Homma, S. 1989. "The Scope of Negation and INFL-Movement in English and Japanese" Tsukuba English Studies 8, pp.85-102. Tsukuba English Linguistics Society.

3. Homma, S. 1990. "Unselective Binding and Any-Phrases" Tsukuba English Studies 9, pp.107-133. Tsukuba English Linguistics Society.

4. Homma, S. 1990. "On Free-Choice Any: A Unitary Analysis of Two Any's" English Linguistics 7, pp.70-86. Japan English Linguistics Society.

5. Homma, S. 1991. "Negative Polarity Quantifiers in Japanese: Universal or Existential?" Tsukuba English Studies 10, pp.97-117. Tsukuba English Linguistics Society

6. Homma, S., N. Kaga, K. Miyagawa, K. Takeda, and K. Takezawa 1992. "Semantic Properties of the Floated Quantifier Construction in Japanese" Proceedings of the 5th Summer Conference of TLF, pp.15-28. Tokyo Linguistics Forum.

7. Arisaka, K., S. Homma, H. Hoshi, M. Matsuoka, and K. Takeda 1992. "Control and Te-Clauses in Japanese" Tsukuba English Studies 11, pp.231-278. Tsukuba English Linguistics Society.

8. Honma, T., M. Okazaki, S. Homma, S. Tanaka, and Y. Kazumi 1992. "Stump Words in English" Tsukuba English Studies 11. pp.149-169. Tsukuba English Linguistics Society.

9. Homma, S. 1992. "The Anaphoric Analysis of Same and Different" English Linguistics 9, pp.110-131. Japan English Linguistics Society.

10. Homma, S. 1993. "A Note on Te Moraw Sentences" Tsukuba English Studies 12. pp.60-100. Tsukuba English Linguistics Society.

11. Homma, S. 1995a. "The Anaphoric Analysis of Onaji/Chigau and Crossover Effect" Memoirs of the Faculty of Education. Niigata University.

12. Homma, S. 1995b. "Syntax of Possessor Passive in Japanese" Tsukuba English Studies 14. pp. 1-40. Tsukuba English Linguistics Society.

13. Homma, S. 1998a "A Remark on the Exceptional Case Marking Construction" Memoirs of the Faculty of Education and Human Sciences 1-1. Niigata University.

14. Homma, S. 1998b. "Scope of Negation and the Structure of Negative Sentence in Japanese" Tsukuba English Studies 17. Tsukuba English Linguistics Society.

15. Homma, S. 1999. "Remarks on the ECM NP in Japanese" Proceedings of TACL Summer Institute of Linguistics 1998 Tokyo Area Circle of Linguistics.

16. Homma, S. 2000. "Syntax of Goal PPs in English" Memoirs of the Faculty of Education and Human Sciences 3-1. Niigata University.

17. Homma, S. 2001. "A Note on Traversal Objects" in Imi to Katachi-no Interface Kurosio Publishers.

Conference Presentations

1. Homma, S. 1989. "Negation and Quantifiers in English" The 59th Conference of the English Literary Society of Japan. May 1989. Aoyama Gakuin University.

2. Homma, S., N. Kaga, K. Miyagawa, K. Takeda, and K. Takezawa 1991. "Semantic Properties of the Floated Quantifier Construction in Japanese" The 5th Conference of Tokyo Linguistic Forum. August 1991. Otsuma Joshi Gakuin University.

3. Homma, S. 1992a. "Indirect Binding of Any-Phrases" The English Literary Society of Niigata University. September 1992. Niigata University.

4. Homma, S. 1992b. "Scope of Negation and Syntactic Movement" The 17th Conference of Kansai Linguistic Society.@November 1992.@Osaka University.

5. Homma, S 1994. "Syntax of Possessor Passive in Japanese" A Monthly Colloquium of Tokyo Area Circle of Linguistics.@March 1994.@Gakushuin University.

6. Homma, S. 1998a. "A Syntactic Analysis of Unaccusative-Unergative Alternation" March 1998. Tsukuba University.

7. Homma, S. 1998b. "Remarks on ECM in Japanese: How Many ECMs Should We Consider There to be?" TACL Summer Conference. September 1998. Tokyo Metropolitan University.

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